The Parish Mass for the Last Sunday after Trinity, pre-recorded from the temporary chapel in the Vicarage. Music in this service: Improvisation
The Parish Mass for the Eighteenth Sunday after Trinity recorded in the temporary chapel in the vicarage. Music in this service: Improvisation
The Parish Mass for the Twelfth Sunday after Trinity from the temporary chapel in the Vicarage.
The Parish Mass for the Sixteenth Sunday after Trinity pre-recorded from the temporary chapel in the Vicarage. Music in this service: Improvisation
The Parish Mass for the Fifteenth Sunday after Trinity recorded from the temporary chapel in the Vicarage. Music in this service: Improvisation
The Parish Mass for the Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity recorded in the temporary chapel in the Vicarage. Music in this service: Improvisation
The Parish Mass for the Eighth Sunday after Trinity recorded in St Margaret’s Church, Ilkley. Music in this service: Improvisation - by
The Parish Mass for Trinity Sunday, from St Margaret's Church, Ilkley on Sunday 7th June from 10:30 am. Music in this service
The Parish Mass for the Fifth Sunday after Trinity filmed in St Margaret’s Church Ilkley. Music in this service Improvisation - by
The Parish Mass for the Fourth Sunday after Trinity recorded in St Margaret's Church, Ilkley. Music in this service: Improvisation - Anthony