Mass for Lent 5 - 29/03/2020 The Parish Mass for Lent 5 streamed on Facebook Live from the vicarage during the coronavirus pandemic. The celebrant and preacher is
Coronavirus Help Page from Ilkley Chat Please click on this link for news and updates on many aspects of how COVID-19 is affecting our local Ilkley community.
Parish Mass for Mothering Sunday - 25/03/2020 The Parish Mass for Mothering Sunday 2020, live-streamed on Facebook Live during the COVID-19 crisis. The celebrant and preacher is the vicar
St Margaret's YouTube Channel Whilst we are live streaming videos during this difficult time for all of us, we will also be uploading these videos to
A Prayer for Spiritual Communion Thanks be to thee, my Lord Jesus Christ, For all the benefits which thou hast given me, For all the pains and
Thought for the week - Mar 2020 Most of us have not experienced times like these. Unless we are old enough to have lived through the privations of the
Thought for the week - Jan 2020 Ilkley Gazette: Thought for the Week January 2020 The word “Overture” probably comes from the similar French and German word which means
Letter for the Christmas Magazine 2019 Dear Friends As I write this letter in mid-November the national sense of uncertainty is palpable. We are on the cusp of