St Margaret's is open weekday mornings for private prayer and for regular services. Morning prayer takes place at 9.00 am, Monday to
Romans 8. 12 – 25 Matthew 13. 24 – 30 Fr Alex A parable for all the gardeners in the congregation this
Organ Recital Friday 7 February, 12.30 pm Music by J S Bach 1685 – 1750 Programme Toccata in E major BWV 566
Romans 8. 35, 37 – 39 John 14. 1 – 6 St Margaret’s Sunday Fr Alex Little Bobby wanted a red bicycle

Window of the Week. Our final window is the great west ‘Benedicite Window,’ a masterpiece from Powell & Sons from 1897. This
Zechariah 9. 9 – 12 Matthew 11. 16 – 19, 25 – 30 With Holy Baptism Fr Alex Today we see a