Our wedding was the most magical and joyous day. Everything was perfect right down to being blessed with unseasonably warm and sunny weather for the beginning of May. Jack and I recently took a moment to look back through our photos and every single one shows someone smiling or laughing. It is a day neither of us will ever forget.
It would not have been the day it was, however, if it wasn’t for the support and help of our friends at St. Margaret’s Church. Jane Sheldon, John Sunderland and Anne Kilvington who gave out Orders of Service and ensured everything ran to plan; Carol King and the Flower Team who created beautiful displays in the church; Alan Raw who gave up his Friday evening and Saturday morning to help set up the church hall for the reception after the service and the countless others who worked behind the scenes to make sure the day ran like clockwork.
The service itself was very moving and filled with choral music. My choir colleagues from St. Margaret’s were joined by members of the choir from my old parish church in Accrington. The result was a 30 strong choir who performed sublime pieces from Rachmaninov, Vaughan Williams and Duruflé. It was a musical feast and all executed with precision and class. For those of our guests not accustomed to this type of music they were blown away with many telling me of their spine tingles and goose bumps that those of us who regularly attend St. Margaret’s may now take for granted.
As any bride will tell you, the day went far too quickly. There are points I can’t quite remember and parts I wish I could experience again. I will never forget however, walking down the aisle with my father, the church full of our friends and family, the choir singing and seeing my future husband smiling down at me from the top waiting for his bride.
The Lord truly blessed us with his grace and favour that day and in the words of our first hymn we will forever “Praise the everlasting King”.
Mrs. Bethany Harrison